The primary aim of the Men’s Ministry is to help the men of our church to mature into Christlikeness through growth in Biblical Understanding, Theology, Christian Living, and Spiritual Leadership. In other words, it seeks to help men grow to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength—through thinking rightly (understanding truth), loving rightly (recognizing beauty), and doing rightly (goodness).  

Men’s Discipleship Meetings—These are weekly meetings led by a church elder that seek to foster Christian maturity and biblical masculinity. There are three portions to each discipleship meeting: fellowship, prayer, as well as instruction and discussion.

Men’s Retreats—Once a year, the men gather for a weekend of worship and study in order to deepen our commitment to Christ and to one another.

Our purpose is to encourage women in all seasons of life to connect with each other and develop their relationship with God as passionate followers of Christ. We connect women to Christ and to each other through teaching and leading in God’s Word, through fellowship opportunities and activities for women, service to our church and the community, prayer and support to meet needs of women in our community.

Women's Fellowship GatheringsWe gather to build authentic relationships, through prayer, Bible study, and encouragement to grow in our walk with God and reflect Jesus to the world.

Women's Retreats - The women also take a weekend to focus on learning from God's Word and fellowship with one another each year. 



We have a community group devoted to Spanish speakers that gather every Friday. The church also offers Sunday school classes in Spanish that meet during the equipping hour of our weekly worship service.

Nuestra visión es alcanzar a personas de habla hispana con el fin de compartir el evangelio en su propia lengua, sembrar lazos de amistad y compañerismo que nos ayudarán a crecer y madurar en el conocimiento de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y en nuestra relación con El, impactando con nuestras vidas a los que nos rodean tanto dentro como fuera de la Iglesia. 

The aim of our children’s ministry is to see children grow up into Christlikeness. We want our kids to recognize the gravity, wonder, and joy of God and his saving work manifested in the gospel. We want our kids to wrestle with the weightiness of their sin in light of God’s goodness, holiness, and righteousness—in such a way that draws them to the cross as their only hope and joy. We want them to see holiness as desirable, not merely dutiful. In an age-appropriate way, we want our kids to recognize that following Christ costs us all that this world values—but in following Christ we gain Christ Himself, which is everything.

During the school year, GTBC offers Sunday school classes for children ages five through eleven. Older kids are encouraged to participate in the Adult Sunday school classes.

View the Children's Ministry Vision here.



Because the Bible is clear that parents bear the primary responsibility for children’s theological instruction (Deut 6:5-7; Eph 6:4), GTBC does not have an isolated youth ministry or a youth pastor. However, we recognize the importance of kids having the opportunity to fellowship with other youths their age. Therefore, once a month, students (6th-12th grade) gather in homes to receive encouragement, instruction, and to simply have fun together. Parents are encouraged to attend in order to get fellowship with other parents and also to participate in the discipleship of their children.